Designed for assembly, production and laboratory applications requiring dust-free ambient conditions. It generates laminar air flow to reduce eddy currents set up by equipment or personnel, eliminates the need for special cleanroom garments, affords positive protection for the work surface against contamination from surrounding air. 3/4-inch novaply, white high-pressure plastic laminate on exposed surfaces. Interior surfaces sealed to prevent shedding of particulates. Also available in 16 ga,more cold rolled steel, painted white, or stainless steel. Available work surfaces, include stainless steel, PVC, Polypro or other materials. Optional remote work surface on legs for minimum vibration and acrylic side panels. Prefilters consist of 1" thick, 30% NBS, Final filters are HEPA type 99.99% efficient for particles 0.3 micron and larger. Positive filter sealing to prevent filter bypass. Less than 100 particles per cubic foot 0.3 micron and larger, Class 100 (ISO 5) conditions per Federal Standard 209 and ISO 14644-1. Available in stainless steel, quoted on request. less
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