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Liberty's cleanrooms can be constructed using a variety of materials. Selection is based on the unique needs for each project. Typical materials include:

Pass Thru
Pass Thru communicator
Package transfer unit
Pass thru
Pass throughs
pass box
Pass thru chamber

Liberty Industries Inc. designs, builds and installs cleanrooms since 1953. A cleanroom is a specially constructed enclosed area which is environmentally controlled, with respect to airborne particulates, temperature, humidity, air pressure, air flow patterns lighting.Liberty's cleanrooms can be constructed using a variety of materials. Selection is based on the unique needs for each project. Typical materials include:
Hard wall rooms:
- Polystyrene core panels laminated on both sides 1/8" hardboard, vinyl quoted
- Anodized aluminum wall connectors, ceiling and floor tracks fastened to floor and friction interlocked wall panels
- Aluminum painted T-Bar type ceiling
- Cleanroom rated ceiling tiles
- Standard steel constructed doors, painted white enamel w/ glazed ¼ safety glass
- Windows glazed with ¼" safety glass
- Custom wall finishes quoted on request
- HEPA or ULPA filtration units
Vertical Flow Component hard wall system, VFCS-3
- Anodized aluminum frame
- Acrylic
- Lexan
- HEPA or ULPA filtration units
Vertical Flow Component soft wall system, VFCS
- CRS, Painted Cold Rolled Steel tubing
- Flex shield curtain, 20 mil, 40 mil, 60 or 80 mil
- HEPA or ULPA filtration units
Typical Applications
- Pharmaceutical
- Medical Device
- Aerospace/Government
- Health Care
- Research Labs
- Animal Labs
- Precision Mfg.
- Metal Mfg./ Lead Industry
- Electronics
- Semiconductor
- Optical
- Hospital Pharmacy
- Automotive
- University
- Injection molding
- Plastics
- Laboratories
- Ball Bearings
- Printed Circuits
- Computer Rooms
- Nanotech