Peripheral Laminar Flow 4015 Cleanroom Hood (Clean Bench)
Laminar Flow Equipment
The 4015 utilizes a supplemental air curtain around the complete work peripheral edge area so that eddying and back currents are eliminated. It provides the most effective contamination control available in the industry. This additional curtain of air assures a higher degree of protection from outside contamination. The unit provides horizontal air flow in conjunction with a supplemental air intake around the perimeter of the work area. The air intake draws air in around the perimeter and substantially reduces the introduction of non-HEPA filtered air caused by items being placed into the work space and normal worker movements. Constructed of 3/4-inch novaply, white high-pressure plastic laminate on exposed surfaces. Interior surfaces sealed to prevent shedding of particulates. Available in 16 ga. cold rolled steel, painted white, or stainless steel with 1/4-inch clear acrylic side panels, Liberty Dust Guard 1" prefilters, 30% efficient NBS. HEPA type final filter 99.99% efficient on particles 0.3 micron and larger. Less than 100 particles per cubic foot 0.3 micron and larger, Meets Federal Standard 209 and ISO 14644-1, Class 100 (ISO 5) conditions. High capacity forward curved blowers with direct drive blower(s) motor, statically and dynamically balanced to maintain constant air flow without speed control or belt adjustment to twice the clean filter resistance. 120V 1 phase 60 HZ standard. 90 FPM + 20%. Noise level conforms to OSHA noise standards, D.O.P. test port 1 /2" N.P.T. plug to facilitate sampling of upstream concentration (option). Fluorescent, 125 ft. candle, at work surface , based on color/material of work surface. Available in stainless steel, quoted on request.