Cleanroom Supplies
After drying hands and arms compounding personnel should properly don clean, non-shedding uniform components, including hair covers, shoe covers, knee-length coats or coveralls, and appropriate protective gloves. In order to ensure that your operating personnel are properly garbed, Liberty offers a complete line of cleanroom apparel. /Asset/a0001533.jpg

Apparel: Garments
(4) As stated in USP <797>, personnel are critical keys to the integrity of the compounding facility. Prior to entering the buffer or clean area, operators should remove outer lab jackets or the like, makeup and jewelry and should thoroughly scrub hands and arms to the elbow.After drying hands and arms compounding personnel should properly don clean, non-shedding uniform components, including hair covers, shoe covers, knee-length coats or coveralls, and appropriate protective gloves. In order to ensure that your operating personnel are properly garbed, Liberty offers a complete line of cleanroom apparel. /Asset/a0001533.jpg

A wide variety of glove types and size available for almost any cleanroom application. /Asset/a1134.jpg
Cleaners and detergents for use in most cleanroom applications, view the MSDS on line for additional information. /Asset/CideholST70Trigger.jpg
GRAB-EEZ (tm) and ESD Cleanroom wipe dispenser that eliminates waste and contamination. It is countertop or wall mountable and very user friendly making it almost impossible to grab more than one wipe at a time. The wipes are uniquely double c folded and stacked flat within the dispenser. The wipes are uniquely folded so that personnel can easily grab on to one wipe without cross contaminating the next wipe. The dispense is cleaned in a cleanroom and double bagged before it is introduced into a cleanroom.
Model LIBGENTI-712 ISO CLASS 5 (Class 100) compatible, a 7 x 12 wipe, 200 wipes per bag, 12 bags per case.